Aadhaar face authentication app: Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has launched the Aadhaar face authentication RD Service app that allows Aadhaar Authentication User Agencies to capture a live person’s face for authentication instead of using the card.
UIDAI informed via a tweet that this app can be used for Aadhaar face authentication for various other apps like JeevanPraman, PDS, Scholarship schemes, COWIN, Farmer Welfare schemes
1. Visit the Google Play Store app of your mobile phone and search for Aadhaar FaceRD.
2. Click on ‘Install’ and open the app.
3. To perform face authentication, follow the on-screen face authentication guide and tap on ‘Proceed’.
4. For successful face authentication you need to face towards the light source, move closer to the camera, move to a different or clear background, and clean the camera lens before using.