In a bid to protect retail investors from the volatile crypto markets, the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has reportedly suggested that prominent public figures such as celebrities and sportspeople should not endorse crypto products. The market regulator also wants companies putting up ads for crypto to display disclosure talking about the possible violation of laws.
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As per a report in Business Line SEBI communicated its view to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance as it's opinion was sought on the matter.
The move from SEBI comes months after key exchanges had already roped in frontline celebrities to push the digital tokens. In October last year, the crypto exchanges came out with a series of ad campaigns with celebrities to lure users. CoinSwitch Kuber brought Bollywood star on Ranveer Singh as its brand ambassador, CoinDCX roped in Ayushmann Khurrana for a similar role.
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India is not alone is tightening 'investment' regulation around crypto. Last year UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) singled out Kim Kardashian for promoting an untested cryptocurrency on Instagram and pushing speculative trade in the same.