Budget airline Go First's flight operations at Delhi airport will be suspended for two hours on April 1, following an order by the aviation security regulator BCAS related to a violation in September last year.
According to an order, dated March 16, passed by the civil aviation ministry, the airline's security programme will remain suspended from 1200 hours to 1400 hours on April 1 and the carrier has also been asked to take suitable action to minimise the impact of the suspension on the passengers.
There was no immediate comment from Go First.
According to a senior ministry official, the suspension of the security programme means that there will be no flight operations and the latest directive is a kind of warning for the violation.
On September 24, 2022, Go First's Delhi-Mumbai flight returned from the taxiway due to a technical snag.
There were 95 passengers onboard and they were shifted to a parked aircraft by the airline's ferry buses, without permission/ intimation to agencies concerned, including CISF, as per the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)