Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared personal assets worth Rs 3.02 crore, in his nomination filing for the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat. As per the affidavit submitted on May 14, PM Modi reported a total of Rs 52,920 in cash as of March 31, 2024. As per the affidavit he has no investment in bonds, debentures, shares, or mutual funds.
PM Modi reported a total of Rs 52,920 in cash as of March 31, 2024. He has invested Rs 2.86 crore in fixed deposit receipts (FDRs) at the State Bank of India (SBI), along with Rs 80,304 held in SBI savings accounts.
In the National Savings certificate, Modi has declared Rs 9.13 lakh and four gold rings weighing 45 grams worth Rs 2.68 lakh. He did not report owning any immovable property. As income tax in the financial year 2022-23, Prime Minister declared that Rs 3.33 lakh was deducted. His total income, according to his income tax return (ITR) for the financial year 2022-23, was Rs 23.56 lakh.
The two source of income as declared in the affidavit includes salary from the Prime Minister’s Office and interest income.
Prime Minister Modi filed his Lok Sabha nomination papers from Varanasi on Tuesday. The voting will be conducted in the last phase on June 1.
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