Can't rule out second Covid-19 wave in winter: Govt panel chief

Updated : Oct 18, 2020 17:00
Editorji News Desk

Niti Aayog Member VK Paul, who is also the chief of an expert panel coordinating efforts to tackle the pandemic in the country, on Sunday said that there is a possibility of a second wave of infections in the winter season. In an interview to PTI, he said that once the Covid-19 vaccine is available, there will be enough resources to deliver as well as make it accessible to the citizens. Amid a decline in the number of cases,  Paul, who heads the National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19, said there five states Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal and 3-4 Union Territories the cases are still showing a rising trend. According to him, the country still has a long way to go because 90 per cent of the people are still susceptible to coronavirus infections. 

ChhattisgarhKeralaKarnatakaWest BengalUnionNITI AAYOGRajasthanPTICOVID-19coronavirus19Sunday-SecondPaulsecond wavefive statesVK Paul

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