Covid-19 impact: No Ram Leela in Ayodhya this year

Updated : Sep 28, 2020 08:33
Editorji News Desk

In light of the Covid-19 outbreak, there will be no Ram Leela in Ayodhya this year, the Hindustan Times has reported. The district administration refused permission to the Ayodhya Shodh Sansthan, the department that organises the famous Ram Leela. Instead preparations for a grand virtual Deepotsav on Diwali have begun in the city.

During a meeting of the Ayodhya administration officials, it was announced that a new record would be set this Deepotsav, of lightning Diyas. A virtual platform is in the pipeline from the banks of river Saryu.

The report further added that a 3D system of lightning Diyas will be arranged where a link will be sent to mobile users. Upon clicking the link, a Diya will light up virtually and digital certificate from the government will be sent to the user.

Ayodhyahindustan timesayodhya shodh sansthanCOVID-1919CovidDiwalithis yearRAMRam LeelaDeepotsav

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