Ira Khan has shared an emotional video of her wedding day. She took to Instagram and shared a teaser of her wedding with Nupur where Aamir Khan is seen dancing with his ex-wife Reena Dutta.
The video starts with Nupur entering the venue with his mother. As the video progresses, Ira also enters the venue with her father Aamir Khan, and mother Reena Dutta by her side. Ira and Nupur then exchange their vows and express their immense love for each other.
In the video, Ira and Nupur are seen enjoying the dance with their parents and with each other too. Aamir Khan is seen holding Reena close to him as they dance with each other. Kiran Rao gets emotional as she watches them.
Ira chose a white gown with slit-cut sleeves for her D-Day. She put her hair in a tight bun and adorned them with a band of flowers.
Ira and Nupur signed their marriage papers on January 3. Nupur took a marathon from his place to the wedding venue for his big day.