Actor Aamir Khan and his former wives Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao attended a book launch event in Mumbai on August 21. A video that is being widely shared online shows Reena and Kiran standing together and laughing inside the bookstore. When a paparazzo asked Kiran something, she laughed and was joined by Reena.
For the event, Kiran wore a green dress under a blue shirt and flats. Aamir opted for a black T-shirt, blue denims, and brown shoes. Reena was seen in a striped long dress and shoes.
Aamir's son Junaid Khan also attended the book launch event. He was seen posing with Aamir outside the store. Junaid was also seen posing with his mother Reena.
Aamir married Reena Dutta on April 18, 1986. They are parents to two children--son Junaid and daughter, Ira. They parted ways in 2002.
Aamir then married Kiran Rao on December 28, 2005. On December 5, 2011, they announced the birth of their son, Azad Rao Khan via surrogacy. In July 2021, the couple announced their separation and said they would co-parent their son Azad.
On Karan Johar’s show ‘Koffee With Karan’ Season 7, Aamir spoke about Reena and Kiran. He said, ‘I have the highest regard and respect for both of them. Hum log hamesha parivar he rahenge (We will always be a family)...We all get together once a week, no matter how busy we are. There is a lot of genuine care, love and respect towards each other.’
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