Actor Ram Charan, who is currently in Los Angeles, recently made an appearance on the American news Network KTLA Entertainment. The host introduced the actor and said that he is referred to as 'Brad Pitt of India'. He then asked Ram Charan if he liked that designation.
Ram Charan blushed and replied, 'I mean, I like Brad Pitt for sure.'
He was also asked how he would feel if 'RRR's 'Naatu Naatu' wins an Oscar for Best Original Song. He said, ‘It will be the most surreal day in my life. I just want to be the guest on the show and now being a nominee for Best Original Song, I can't wait to take that (trophy) back to India. RRR is re-releasing tomorrow and I would want all of you to invest some time and it would definitely not disappoint you.’ The videos of the actor from the chat show are being widely shared on the internet.
Ram Charan and Jr NTR starrer ‘RRR’s song ‘Naatu Naatu’ recently won the Best Original Song trophy at the Hollywood Critics Association Film Awards. The film also won the Best Action Film, Best Stunts, and Best International Feature trophies.
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