Megastar Amitabh Bachchan will be celebrating his 80th birthday on October 11, and his fans are eagerly waiting to wish him. According to a Pinkvilla report, Film Heritage Foundation’s (FHF) Shivendra Singh Dungarpur and filmmaker R Balki have planned a special moment for Big B at the ongoing 'Bachchan: Back To The Beginning' festival.
Dungarpur told the publication that cinemas screening Amitabh’s movie at a late night show will stop screening at midnight for the audience to sing the birthday song for the actor.
‘This is happening all over the country where Mr Bachchan’s films are being played as a part of our festival’s initiative. Meanwhile, at Juhu PVR we are playing Amar Akbar Anthony today, and a lot of dignitaries from the film industry are attending the screening where they will join us to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song for Mr Bachchan at 12 sharp. This is going to be huge,’ FHF Founder Shivendra Singh Dungarpur told Pinkvilla.
As per the report, R Balki has sent out a message to his friends and colleagues asking them to be a part of ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’ screening that’s happening tonight.
A source also informed Pinkvilla that Amitabh Bachchan may visit Tirupati temple with family to celebrate his 80th birthday.
The makers of ‘Unnchai’ unveiled a new poster ahead of his special day, introducing the actor's character, Amit Shrivastava.
The film, written and directed by Sooraj Barjatya, will release in theatres on November 11.
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