Actor Deepika Padukone has launched her self-care brand, 82°E. The brand focuses on mental, physical, and emotional well-being and will be launched with a skincare line this month. The brand is said to be made using Indian ingredients and will make self-care easy in the busy lives of people. The products are designed in a way to make skincare a delightful ritual.
Deepika Padukone took to social media to introduce her brand on November 10. She shared a short video and said that the brand is born in India but is for the whole world. The actor also opened up on the history behind the name of the brand. Sharing the video, she wrote, ‘Two years ago we set out to create a modern self-care brand that is born in India, for the world. Pronounced eighty-two east, our brand is inspired by the standard meridian that runs longitudinally through India and shapes our relationship with the rest of the world. At @82e.official , we are on a mission to make the practice of self-care a simple, joyful and effective part of your everyday. And while this journey of discovery and learning has been mine so far, I’m thrilled to finally share it with all of you. With Love & Gratitude, Deepika Padukone, Co-Founder, 82°E.’
82°E is India’s first celebrity-owned self-care brand which is backed by global institutional venture capitalists.
The website of the brand asks people to join the community that will celebrate self-care. It will also be vegan, cruelty-free, clean and clinically tested. Deepika also attached a note for the visitors giving them a sneak peek into the brand.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone will be seen next in 'Pathaan' alongside Shah Rukh Khan which will be released in January 2023. She also has ‘Fighter’ with Hrithik Roshan, ‘Project K’ with Prabhas and the remake of ‘The Intern’ in the pipeline.
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