Deepika Padukone’s appearance at the 95th Academy Awards on Monday morning (IST) wowed the audience. She was greeted with loud cheers as she introduced the performance of ‘RRR’s song ‘Naatu Naatu' on the stage. The actor looked stunning in a black Louis Vitton off-shoulder gown.
Now, her trainer Yasmin Karachiwala has shared the ‘secret to her gorgeousness’. She gave us a glimpse of Deepika’s worked out at 6:30am before getting ready for the Oscars. Sharing a video, Yasmin wrote, ‘Oscars ke pehle workout toh banta hain na? Sharing a glimpse into @deepikapadukone ‘s 6:30 am workout before getting ready for the Oscars. The secret to her gorgeousness besides her genes is also her discipline, dedication and commitment to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Don’t you agree? It was an amazing journey training her for the #oscars. Do you want to see more video of Deepika working out?’ The post also had ‘Naatu Naatu’ as its background song.
Sophie Choudhry’s comment on the post read, ‘My Yasu making us proud!!!!! And DP looked beautiful and elegant!!! Proud proud proud ladies (with heart and kissing emojis)’
‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ dominated at the 95th Academy Awards. The film won the Oscars in seven categories including best picture, best director, best actress, best original screenplay, best editing, and both the best supporting actor and actress. India too bagged two Oscars- 'RRR's 'Naatu Naatu' and 'The Elephant Whisperers'.
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