Deepika Padukone is expecting her first baby with husband and actor Ranveer Singh. The Bollywood Diva who is India’s leading fashion icon on global stages skipped the MET gala this year. However, the gorgeous actor couldn’t stay away from making the headlines. A picture of the couple has gone viral on social media and fans cannot help but notice the baby bump of DP. Here’s all that we know about the viral picture.
The picture is seemingly from a vacation that the couple recently took. Deepika is clicked on the stairs of an airplane, dressed in a comfy maternity outfit. The actor is seen wearing sunglasses while her husband looked dapper as always in an all-white outfit. DP’s baby bump is visible in the picture. Fans could not stop gushing over the picture and sent best wishes to the couple.
The ‘Fighter’ actor has been a regular at fashion’s biggest event. She stunned the world with her unique style and spectacular fashion sense since her debut at the event in 2017. Fans missed seeing Deepika at MET Gala as her shooting schedule was reportedly clashing with the event.
Deepika Padukone has some of the highly anticipated projects in the pipeline. Her film ‘Kalki 29898 AD’ is creating buzz on social media, especially after her look was recently revealed in the film’s poster. Besides, she will also be seen in ‘Lady Singham’ avatar in ‘Singham Again’, which will also feature her husband Ranveer Singh in key role.
Deepika is currently shooting for Rohit Shetty’s ‘Singham Again’. The actor announced her pregnancy in February this year with a beautiful post on Instagram. Ranveer and DP are expected to welcome their new member in September 2024 and fans cannot wait to see the Bollywood beauty flaunt her pregnancy glow.
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