Veteran actor Anupam Kher watched Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer ‘Gadar 2’ at Mumbai’s Gaeity Galaxy on August 17. He spoke about his experience and also shared a detailed review of the film on micro-blogging site X.
Sharing a photo with Sunny, Anupam wrote, ‘Going to see my friend's @iamsunnydeol movie #Gadar2 in the cinema hall! Be victorious! #Excited.” Sometime later, he updated, “Watching #Gadar2 in a single screen theatre. It is houseful.’
Reviewing the period action drama, Anupam called the film a ‘tsunami of emotions,' and gave the highest credit to Sunny.
Anupam wrote, ‘Just watched #Gadar2 in Gaiety/Galaxy theatre in Bandra. Last time I went to this single screen theatre was for the premiere of my movie #Hum. #Gadar2 is a tsunami of emotions felt not only by the actors on screen but also by the audiences in the theatre. It takes you on a roller coaster ride of what it means to be a proud Indian. In fact it celebrates the multi culture/ multi religion facet of our country. It is cathartic. Crowds scream their guts out at every dialogue.’
Anupam went on to praise Sunny and called him a cult figure. He continued, ‘@iamsunnydeol is not an actor anymore. He is cult in himself. He is on fire. And you feel the heat in your soul. @iutkarsharma is fantastic with great promise. @manishwadhwa as Pak general is superb. Thank you @Anilsharma_dir for taking me on this raw joyride in a cinema hall. Jai Ho!’
Previously, Akshay Kumar, Subhash Ghai, Madhur Bhandarkar, Salman Khan and Kangana Ranaut had praised the film.
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