Actor Neha Dhupia shared highlights from her experience watching the IPL match between Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians at Wankhede Stadium on April 14. What caught the internet's attention was her company: her husband Angad Bedi, along with her co-star from ‘Garam Masala’ John Abraham, and ‘Chup Chup Ke’ co-star Kareena Kapoor.
Neha shared a post on Instagram, featuring highlights from the IPL match she watched with friends in Mumbai. In the caption, she wrote, ‘My very own #highlights from last evening! Love the sport... loved the energy... loved our #crew,’ referring to Kareena's latest film, ‘Crew.’
The first picture shows Neha in all-white, cheering joyfully at the match, with Kareena beside her in a casual white top. Behind them are Angad in a blue denim shirt and white baseball cap, and surprising many, John Abraham in a black t-shirt. While the women focused on the match, both men smiled for the camera. However, the internet couldn't overlook Kareena and John together, considering their history.
For those unfamiliar or who may have forgotten, Kareena made comments about John on the infamous chat show, ‘Koffee with Karan’, in Season 2, which aired in 2007. Kareena was on the show with her then-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor, who claimed that John is an actor she never wants to work with. Initially shocked by Shahid's statement, when Karan Johar asked Kareena in the Rapid Fire segment why she doesn't want to work with John, she famously replied, ‘Because he is expressionless.’
When John appeared with his then-girlfriend Bipasha Basu on the same season of the chat show, Bipasha responded to Kareena's comments. ‘She is someone with too many expressions,’ Bipasha said. The two actors reportedly had issues while working together on Abbas-Mustan's 2001 thriller ‘Ajnabee’.
Kareena's upcoming projects include ‘Singham Again’ and ‘The Buckingham Murders,’ while John will star in ‘Vedaa’ and ‘Tehran.’
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