Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani tied the knot on February 7 and fans have been excited to get a sneak peek into their big day. While the couple just shared a dreamy bridal entry and varmala video on their social media handle, their celebrity friends have now started sharing their pictures from the couple’s D day.
Mira Rajput took to Instagram and shared a picture with Shahid Kapoor from Kiara and Sidharth’s wedding. She captioned it as ‘Ladkiwale (from bride’s side).
Shahid chose a dark blue kurta and black pants with a printed stole to go with it while Mira wore a cream color attire for the occasion.
Karan Johar, who many a times spilled beans about Sidharth and Kiara’s relationship on his show ‘Koffee with Karan 7,’ chose a stylish look with a shimmery silver jacket over a brown traditional suit. He completed the look with a statement ring. In the series of pictures, Karan was also seen in a violet traditional Indian suit and a printed yellow set.
Karan captioned the post saying, ‘It was such a warm and intimate shaadi…. And it was the most fun to dress for mere do yaars ki shaadi! (my two friends’ wedding) Blessings to Sid and Kiara and so much love to the maverick magician and marvellous manish Malhotra...’
Karan also tagged Manish Malhotra in the post and thanked him for not just designing the best for the couple but also for him.
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