The trailer of Yami Gautam's forthcoming film 'Lost' has been unveiled. She plays the role of a crime reporter in the thriller film. Sharing the trailer on social media, Yami wrote, 'The search for integrity, truth and Ishan has begun. #TruthIsNeverLost, #LostOnZEE5, premieres 16th Feb.'
The trailer opens with Yami’s character Vidhi questioning what’s important for a reporter, the truth or to do the right thing? She is searching for the truth behind the sudden disappearance of a young theatre activist, played by Tushar Pandey. The movie depicts the intense battle between what's right versus what's the ultimate truth and it represents a higher quest and a search for lost values of empathy and integrity.
Directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, it also stars Pankaj Kapur, Rahul Khanna, Neil Bhoopalam, Tushar Pandey and Pia Bajpiee in pivotal roles.
‘Lost’ will premiere on ZEE5 on February 16.
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