Marathi actor Pranit Hatte on Friday shocked the internet with a 'disgusting' revelation. Pranit took to Instagram to share a video and spoke about being denied a hotel room due to their gender preference. They stated that the distasteful event occurred when they booked a room in the hotel and the staff cancelled their booking after they came to know they were a transgender.
In the video shared in Marathi on Instagram, Pranit expressed their frustration and angst after their booking was cancelled at the Hotel Pooja International. The actor also shared that when they showed their documents of cancelled bookings with the hotel authorities, they were told that the booking was cancelled because of the actor's gender preference.
Angered by the staff's treatment, Pranit sarcastically said that it would be easier if people just told the transgender community where they can go and stay. 'Where should we go?' the actor asks. They also mentioned that they were doing nothing wrong by just staying at the hotel for work purposes. “Rooms got rejected because of the GENDER ........ disgusting," Pranit captioned the video.