Mira Rajput has come up with a sweet post on her daughter Misha’s sixth birthday. Taking to Instagram, she shared a throwback picture with Shahid Kapoor and recalled the night before Misha was born. In the picture, the couple can be seen relaxing on a couch, with Mira sitting and looking at her baby bump and Shahid resting his head on her lap.
The post was captioned, ‘6 years ago, that night, this moment… Can you come out already? And then the best thing ever.’ The caption was accompanied with a sparkles and red heart emoji.
Her post has been flooded with sweet comments from fans as well as celebrities. Shahid’s ‘Kabir Singh’ co-star Kiara Advani was among those who left a comment on Mira’s post. ‘Awwww Happy Happy Birthday,’ she wrote.
Mira had also shared a glimpse of her preparing for the special day on her Instagram stories.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor will next be seen in the action thriller ‘Bloody Daddy’, which is an official Hindi remake of the French film ‘Nuit Blanche’.