Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film ‘Pathaan’, co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, is finally in theatres and it is receiving immense love from the audience. The Siddharth Anand directorial stars SRK in the title role of an agent brought in to tackle an unprecedented terror threat. He joins hands with Deepika Padukone’s character to stop the massive attack planned on the nation by Outfit X, led by John.
Early reviews of the film have started pouring in on Twitter and the majority of the users have loved every bit of the story and SRK’s performance.
A user, who enjoyed the first-day first show of ‘Pathaan’, called the SRK starrer a ‘proper mass masala film and all-time blockbuster movie’. Another user rated the film 4 out of 5 and called it a ‘cinematic joy’. He added that John & Deepika were great and there were surprising cameos.
A user reviewed the film as a ‘prize winner’ and said that SRK stole the limelight and the screenplay was engrossing. A section of netizens found the movie to be boring. A user said that the film has a poor storyline.
Also Watch| 'Pathaan' screening: Shah Rukh Khan, John Abraham and Deepika Padukone attend. Watch