Kriti Kharbanda is all set to share the screen space with Sunny Singh in director Abir Sengupta’s next film, titled ‘Risky Romeo’. The movie, which is billed as an edgy and stylish neo-noir comic tragedy, will go on the floors this winter.
The lead actors took to social media to share the first poster of the film. Sharing the poster, they wrote, 'Looks like tragedy is the new comedy, or is it vice versa?'
In a statement, Sunny talked about the upcoming project and said that it is thrilling and challenging for him because he has not played a character like this before.
He said, ‘This film needs me to prepare hard and completely transform myself into the character that Abir has written. His vision with this film and for my character is very unusual and that is something that I am really looking forward to. This will be the first time that I will have Kriti as my co-star and I am looking forward to the riot on set.’
Kriti added, ‘Sets have always been my happy place and I can’t wait to face the camera. I am very excited and really looking forward to working with this wonderful team. I’ve always given priority to the script and character, and I look forward to the challenge Abir has set for me. This script of Risky Romeo is special for more reasons than one and I can’t wait for the world to see it unfold.’
Abir Sengupta spoke about ‘Risky Rome’ and said that the script is filled with dark humour, outlandish characters, and a surreal treatment. He has previously helmed films like Kiara Advani starrer ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’.