Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s ‘Family Man’ co-star Manoj Bajpayee expressed concern over how hard she pushes herself and asked her to go easy on herself in a recent interview. The 'Satya' actor said that he got scared after seeing the way she worked during the shooting of their web series.
A portion of his interview with RJ Siddharth Kannan was shared by a fan account on Twitter on Wednesday. The person captioned the post, ‘@BajpayeeManoj sir about @Samanthaprabhu2.’ Reacting to the clip, Samantha wrote, ‘(Hugging face and heart hands emojis) will try sir @BajpayeeManoj.’
During the interview, Manoj was asked to convey a message for Samantha. He said, 'Go easy on yourself. She is very hardworking...But the way I saw her working physically in Family Man, it scared me, how much pain she is giving herself.’
On the work front, Samantha Ruth Prabhu will next be seen in 'Shaakuntalam' which is scheduled to release on April 14.
Manoj Bajpayee will next feature in an upcoming family drama 'Gulmohar'.
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