Actor Sanjay Dutt is now part of Vijay’s forthcoming film ‘Thalapathy 67’. The makers of the gangster film, Severn Screen Studio, confirmed the news on Twitter on Tuesday and also shared a poster of the actor. The tweet read, ‘We feel esteemed to welcome @duttsanjay sir to Tamil Cinema and we are happy to announce that he is a part of #Thalapathy67 (sic).’
In a statement, Sanjay Dutt said, ‘When I heard the one liner of Thalapathy 67, I knew in that exact moment I had to be part of the film and I am thrilled to start this journey.’
Sanjay Dutt made his Kannada debut with Yash’s ‘KGF: Chapter 2’ (2021), and ‘Thalapathy 67’ marks his debut in Tamil cinema.
The film also stars has Gautham Menon and Mysskin. Arjun, Mansoor Ali Khan, and Vikram are other actors who are rumoured to be playing pivotal roles in the Lokesh Kanagaraj directorial.
‘Thalapathy 67’ marks the second collaboration of Vijay and Lokesh after ‘Master’ which was a superhit.
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