Singers Asha Bhosle, Pankaj Udhas, and actor Vidya Balan will reportedly be honoured with the Deenanath Mangeshkar Smruti Pratishthan Award on April 24. The event will be held on late music veteran Deenanath Mangeshkar’s Memorial Day.
Each year, the Mangeshkar family (younger siblings of the late Lata Mangeshkar, Usha Mangeshkar and Hridaynath Mangeshkar) honours various artistes for their contributions to the field of arts and society at large.
Vidya Balan will be receiving the Vishesh Puraskar for her significant contribution to cinema, while singers Pankaj Udhas and Asha Bhosle will be conferred with the honour for their contribution to Indian music.
On the work front, Vidya Balan will be seen in the Amazon Prime Video drama ‘Jalsa’.
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