Actor Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi and shared a glimpse of her daughter Malti playing with her baby Ganesha soft toy. Sharing the adorable pictures, Priyanka wrote, ‘A girl and her Ganpati (heart eyes emoji) Always with us.. wherever we go.. #ganpatibappamorya #ganeshchaturthi.’
The first picture shows Malti dressed in a white frock with bangles and a bindi for the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. She is seen playing with a stuffed toy. The other pictures feature Malti and the toy. A picture also shows the toy Ganesha placed beside a Ganpati idol at Priyanka's home.
Reacting to the pictures, a fan wrote, ‘She has grown so much and beautiful just like mama and papa.’ Another wrote, ‘Awww that’s precious’.
Priyanka lives in Los Angeles with husband Nick Jonas and Malti. She is currently busy attending Nick Jonas' concerts as the singer-actor has been performing in various cities as part of The Jonas Brothers group.
Priyanka was shooting for the film ‘Heads of State’ in London but due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, the shoot has been paused.
A few days back, Priyanka celebrated Nick's birthday. Wishing him on Instagram, she wrote, ‘Celebrating you is the greatest joy of my life. You have pushed me in ways I didn’t know was possible.. shown me peace like I have never known.. and loving like only you can.. I love you my birthday guy! I hope all your dreams always come true… Happy birthday baby @nickjonas.’
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