Britney Spears has recalled how a personal trainer once body-shamed her and told her she needed her ‘younger body back' in her latest Instagram post.
She wrote, ‘I took the time, two months ago to find a trainer and the first thing she did to me was literally… and I’m not even lying … pinch the skin on my stomach and legs and told me I need to get my younger body back… why the hell did she do that??? It made me cry… I obviously didn’t hire her so I did it myself!!! I work out for 45 min, 3x a week… that’s it !!!’
She posted a video of her dancing in front of the camera and wrote in the caption that she works hard to get into shapebut she does not like the pictures that are taken by the paprazzi.
‘I hate working out for too long… I’m sharing this because I have worked hard to get in shape, yet I don’t look like the pictures that the paps take !!! God knows my body ain’t perfect but I did want to share what my body looks like at the moment … '