Max is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the beloved sitcom Friends by launching a new four-part competition series titled 'Fast Friends', as reported by Variety. The show will be filmed at The Friends Experience: The One in New York, a sprawling 17,000 square-foot attraction that features 18 immersive rooms and iconic recreated sets from the series.
Fast Friends invites fans to step into the world of Friends by racing through familiar locations such as Rachel and Monica’s apartment, Joey and Chandler’s bachelor pad, and the famous Central Perk coffee shop. Contestants will be put to the test with a variety of trivia, puzzles, and games designed to challenge even the most devoted Friends enthusiasts. The competition will culminate in crowning the winning team as the ultimate Friends fans.
Production for the series is scheduled to kick off in October, with a release date yet to be announced. Alongside this exciting new show, Max is enhancing the Friends experience for viewers by offering additional bonus content, a special TikTok filter, and a redesigned collection page for the series. Fans can also look forward to themed rails featuring carefully selected episodes and a range of surprises available within the app.
Max is not only commemorating three decades of Friends but also creating an interactive experience that allows fans to engage with the show like never before.