Actor-comedian Tiffany Haddish is facing driving under influence charge in Beverly Hills after she allegedly fell asleep behind the wheels. The actor and comedian was detained after Beverly Hills police received a call about 5:45 a.m. Police said she appeared to be found slumped over the wheel of the vehicle while the car engine was still running.
Haddish is an Emmy and Grammy winner, performed at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles on Thursday night. It was the comedy club’s 43rd annual free Thanksgiving feast for the community.
Last year, Haddish was arrested on suspicion of DUI in suburban Atlanta. Haddish has starred in the films including the comedy Girls Trip, Night School, Like a Boss and The Kitchen.
She wrote the New York Times best seller The Last Black Unicorn, which earned a Grammy nomination. In 2018, Haddish won an Emmy for her appearance on Saturday Night Live and a Grammy in 2021 for her special Black Mitzvah.
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