K-pop band NCT 127 was forced to end their first concert in Indonesia after 30 people fainted in a crush. Police spokesperson Endra Zulpan said that the concert near Jakarta had been going on for nearly two hours and fans started surging forward to get closer to the stage due to which people started fainting and to prevent any other incident they stopped the concert. He added that fans who collapsed had recovered.
The band had been handing out freebies to fans just before the crush, a concertgoer told AFP. 'We are disappointed by those fans. We were warned to not push each other, even by the NCT 127 members, but they were so selfish. Just for good footage, they ignored other's safety,' she said.
The second day of NCT 127's concert will be organised on Saturday but giving away of goodies has been banned. A stricter measures will be taken to separate the fans and performers.
Last week, the Berdendang Bergoyang music festival in the city was cancelled after nearly 30 fainted due to overcapacity. The same day over 150 killed in a stampede at a Halloween party in Seoul, South Korea.
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