Pakistani actor Ushna Shah, who was massively trolled on social media for dressing up like an Indian bride on her wedding, has deactivated her Instagram account. The actor recently tied the knot with golf player Hamza Amin and wore a red bridal lehenga at her wedding. Her wedding pictures went viral on social media and users slammed her for donning an Indian bridal outfit for her special day.
She informed her followers that she was taking a break from Instagram for the sake of her mental health. She also wrote a note on Instagram stories that read, 'I haven't reacted to online trolling for years, but I am a human being at a very vulnerable time of my life. A new bride in a new home. From hiring photography teams, who signed NDAs to hiring security and (following) strict guest lists, I wanted to protect our union and only share what I was comfortable with. I worked very hard for this time to be private.’
Earlier, Ushna had questioned those slamming her wedding outfit. She wrote, 'To those who have a problem with my dress: you weren't invited, nor did you pay for my shade of red. My jewellery, my jora (wedding outfit): purely Pakistani…'
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