As the fans are mourning the loss of Tamil actor turned politician Vijayakanth, tributes are pouring in from across the nation. The 71-year-old actor had worked in more than 150 films in his illustrious 3-decade long career, portraying dynamic characters and becoming a popular face in Tamil cinema during the 80s and 90s.
Debut in 1979
Vijayakanth made his debut in the year 1979. Even though he started as a villain, soon he established himself as an ‘action hero’. He gained immense popularity in the 1980s with his revolutionary characters.
Rise to Fame
Transcending from an antagonist to the Hero of the film, Vijayakanth saw huge success in the 1980s. He broke all records in 1984 with almost 18 releases in the same year. One of the most popular and well-respected Tamil actors, Vijayakanth made history by starring in the first 3D film from the Tamil industry.
‘Captain’ of Tamil Cinema
Vijayakanth portrayed a lot of military and police officer characters. His fans started calling him ‘Captain’. His 100th film ‘Captain Prabhakaran’ released in the year 1991, where he played the lead role earned him the official title of ‘Captain’. Vijayakanth received lots of love from the audience putting him in the category of actors like Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan.