Kannada actor Suraj Kumar was rushed to a Manipal Hospital in Mysuru after he met with a major road accident on June 24 while riding his bike on the Mysuru-Gundlupet highway near Begur.
Suraj reportedly sustained a major injury on his right leg, and doctors had to amputate it to save his life.
Suraj was reportedly on his way to Ooty from Mysuru on his bike.
While trying to overtake a tractor, the actor lost control of the bike and smashed into a tipper lorry.
Doctors have amputated his leg below the knee to save his life.
Suraj Kumar is the nephew of Dr Rajkumar’s wife, Paravathamma.
He is the son of film producer S A Srinivas.
Kannada superstar Shivaraj Kumar and his wife visited Suraj at the hospital.
Suraj Kumar was supposed to make his debut with the film ‘Bhagawan Shri Krishna Paramathma’, directed by Anup Anthony.
Kannada star Darshan launched the film, but it was later shelved for unknown reasons.
Suraj Kumar was working on another film, titled ‘Ratham’.
He has also signed a yet-untitled project with Priya Prakash Varrier.
However, the fate of the film is unknown.
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