Veteran Malayalam actor and former Lok Sabha MP Innocent died at VPS Lakeshore Hospital in Kochi on Sunday. He was 75. The hospital authorities issued a medical bulletin in which they stated that the actor was hospitalised on March 3, and Covid related respiratory issues along with multiple organ failure and a cardiac arrest led to his death.
Celebrities took to social media to mourn the demise of the actor.
Prithviraj Sukumaran tweeted, ‘End of an iconic chapter in cinema history! Rest in peace Legend! #Innocent.’ Khushbu Sundar wrote on Twitter, ‘Devastated!! We have lost a great actor. Moreso a great human being. What a legend he was. With the passing away of #Innocent Sir, we have lost a priceless gem. May his soul rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and his followers. Om Shanti.’
Innocent made his debut in 1972 with ‘Nrithasala’. He featured in over 750 films in a career spanning over five decades. Some of his best works include ‘Akkare Ninnoru Maran’, ‘Gandhinagar 2nd Street’, ‘Ramji Rao Speaking’, ‘Vietnam Colony’ and Devaasuram. He even produced movies like ‘Vida Parayum Munpe’, ‘Ilakkangal’ and ‘Ormakkayi’. For 15 years, he also served as the president of Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA).
The actor was last seen in ‘Kaduva’, which was released in theatres last year. His final screen outing ‘Paachuvum Albhuthavilakkum’ is set to release on April 28.
Innocent is survived by his wife and two children.
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