MM Keeravani won the Oscar in the Best Original Song category for the song 'Naatu Naatu' for SS Rajamouli's film 'RRR' earlier this month. The composer has now credited filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma in a new interview for his first Oscar. He said RGV gave him the first break in the industry with 'Kshana Kshanam' which was released in 1991.
MM Keeravani recalled being a newcomer in the industry at the time when Ram Gopal Verma had delivered a big successful film like 'Siva'. At the time, the director took a chance on him, which helped the composer gain more attention in the industry.
MM Keeravani was recently asked about his breakthrough with the director in an interview with Galatta Plus. The veteran stated, 'Bharadwaj garu, let me tell you something. My first Oscar was Ram Gopal Verma. Now, in 2023, I have received my second Academy Award. Let me explain why. Because, like the majority of the people I approach, they may have... some of them may have thrown my audio cassette into the trash can... never heard me... who cares? A stranger approaches you and requests that you listen to his song... some of them may have liked it, but they are uninterested. But that was my achievement.'
He went on to add, 'Ram Gopal Verma offered me to work in his film Kshana Kshanam, but he was the 'Siva' Ram Gopal Verma... Siva played an Oscar role for him because his first film was a smash hit. And Ram Gopal Verma had an Oscar-winning role in my career. He was my Academy Award. So, who is this Keeravani, this person you've never heard of? Mr Ram Gopal Verma, on the other hand, is now working with him. That must be significant. Come on, book him! Let's include him in our project as well. That's how Ram Gopal Verma's help helped me get more opportunities. That is how he greatly aided me.'
Ram Gopal Verma reacted to MM Keeravani's praise for him and posted a video on Twitter with the caption, 'Hey @mmkeeravaani I am feeling dead because only dead people are praised like this.'
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