Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is currently busy with the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Shaakuntalam’, opened up about how she faced a tough time after her separation from Naga Chaitanya. In a recent interview, Samantha was praised for gracefully handling the situation after her divorce announcement. However, she denied showing grace while dealing with trolls.
She said, ‘Maybe from a third person’s point of view it’s that, I was just being myself. I don’t know any other way to react. Nobody else is deciding for me, there’s no one in my head, it’s my natural reaction…’
She also confessed that she doesn’t see herself as a ‘strong and independent’ woman. She said, 'I see all of the lows, all the days I didn’t want to get out of bed, I see the crying, I see the constant asking my mom if I’m going to be okay. That’s not superhuman strength. There’s a little girl in there as well, who is weak and wants to get better.'
Samantha added, 'I was in a very, very dark place during the toughest times of this condition. You name it, I had the most darkest thoughts. And then I realised that I’m not going to do anything about these dark thoughts. If I’m not going to let it destroy me, it means that I’m going to have to start putting one step forward. And every day after that, I took it one step at a time, and I’ve had amazing people, family and close friends, who’ve stood by me every single day'.
The actor concluded by saying that she hasn't ‘overcome’ the darkness yet.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s historical drama ‘Shaakuntalam’ will release in theaters on April 14.
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