Director Lokesh Kanagaraj is celebrating his birthday today and he has received a special wish from veteran actor Sanjay Dutt. The actor, who is playing a prominent role in the filmmaker’s upcoming release ‘Leo’, shared a picture with the director and called him his ‘son’ and ‘family.’
‘Happy birthday my brother, son, family @Dir_Lokesh, may God give you more success, peace, happiness and wealth, I am always with you for life, stay blessed. Love you!’ his message read.
Sanjay Dutt’s post is receiving much love from fans.
A birthday party was hosted for Lokesh on the sets of the film ‘Leo’. Pictures from the bash are being widely shared online.
‘Leo’ stars Thalapathy Vijay, Priya Anand, Gautham Menon, and ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ fame actor Trisha Krishnan. The team is yet to announce the release date of the film.
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