The trailer of the much-awaited ‘The Crown’ season 5 has been unveiled. The clip from the Netflix drama shows how the Queen is trying to hold on to the royal traditions as she is faces hurdles on the political and personal front. Set in the 90s, the series highlights the biggest challenge the royal family faced at that time– the breakdown of Princess Diana and Prince Charles’ marriage and his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles.
This season will see a new cast - Imelda Staunton takes over as Queen Elizabeth II and Jonathan Pryce as Prince Philip. Elizabeth Debicki will play Princess Diana and Dominic West will star as Prince Charles.
The trailer of the forthcoming season has been shared by Netflix, captioned: ‘Bound by tradition. The award winning series The Crown returns 9th November.’
‘The Crown’ season 5 will start streaming on Netflix from November 9. The OTT giant released the season's first teaser as part of their annual fan event, Tudum.
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