Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Friday said his visit to Goa was a "success" as he advocated his country's case on the soil of India.
His remarks came hours after his Indian counterpart S Jaishankar accused him of being a "promoter, justifier and a spokesperson of a terror industry." Addressing a press conference after his return from Goa where he attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s (SCO) Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) meeting, Bhutto Zardari said his trip to India was a “success” as it helped to negate the view that every Muslim was a terrorist.
“We made an attempt at breaking this myth,” Bhutto-Zardari said.
Jaishankar mounted an offensive against Bhutto-Zardari in his address at the SCO meeting, contending Pakistan foreign minister's statement that terrorism shouldn't be "weaponised for diplomatic point-scoring", in remarks seen as directed at India.
Hours later at a press conference, Jaishankar said Bhutto-Zardari's statement on the weaponisation of terrorism unconsciously revealed a mindset.