The Supreme has rejected the Centre's petition for additional ₹7,844 crore compensation for the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
The Centre had argued that the enormity of the actual damage to lives and the environment could not be assessed at the time of settlement in 1989.
Top court said that there was no rationale by the Centre to rake up the issues two decades after the settlement. It added that settlement can be set aside only in cases of fraud and the Centre has not raised any such point.
The Supreme Court also asked the Centre to dig into its pockets to provide higher compensation and expressed its displeasure at the India govt's failure to form insurance policies for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy victims despite being asked to do so.
The chemical factory owner Union Carbide Company argued that the depreciation of the rupee cannot be grounds for seeking more compensation. It had paid ₹715 crores as compensation in 1989.