The DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam) party of Tamil Nadu was caught in an embarrassing situation on February 28 over a controversial advertisement. The minister of fisheries and animal husbandry, Anitha R Radhakrishnan, published an advertisement in Tamil media having an image of a rocket with a Chinese flag on it. The advertisement was centric to the new launch complex inaugurated in Tiruchendur constituency by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the same day. Anitha Radhakrishnan represents the constituency.
In the advertisement, a picture of PM Modi was seen along with the chief minister of the state M K Stalin having rockets in the backdrop with one of the rockets having a Chinese flag on its tip. A few Chinese letters were also seen written on other rockets.
Posting the picture of the advertisement on his X handle, BJP state president K Annamalai wrote, "This advertisement by DMK Minister Thiru Anita Radhakrishnan in leading Tamil dailies today is a manifestation of DMK’s commitment to China & their total disregard for our country’s sovereignty."