Maharashtra Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar stoked a massive row by claiming that terrorist Ajmal Kasab did not kill police official Hemant Karkare but an RSS-affiliated cop did. He also called Ujjwal Nikam a traitor for suppressing this fact.
Ujjwal Nikam was the government's lawyer in the 26/11 case and is contesting on a BJP ticket from Mumbai North Central in the Lok Sabha election.
“Hemant Karkare was not killed by bullets of terrorists like Ajmal Kasab, but by cop close to RSS. Ujjwal Nikam is a traitor who suppressed this fact and BJP has given an election ticket to a traitor like him."
The Maharashtrian leader later defended his remark, claiming that he was quoting excerpts from a book by former Inspector General of Police SM Mushrif.
"Those are not my words, I just said what was written in the book by SM Mushrif. Every information was there about the bullet by which Hemant Karkare was shot, it was not the bullet of terrorists."
Leader of Opposition in Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Vijay Wadettiwar is the Congress MLA from Bramhapuri.
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