West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has accused the Border Security Force (BSF) of facilitating the entry of Bangladeshi infiltrators into India, claiming that the force is working to destabilize the state.
She also hinted that the actions of the BSF are aligned with a larger plan orchestrated by the central government.
During an administrative review meeting at the state secretariat, Banerjee stated, "We have received reports that the BSF is allowing infiltrators to cross into India through border regions such as Islampur, Sitai, and Chopra. The force is also torturing people and creating instability in the state."
The Chief Minister continued, "There seems to be a larger plan behind this, driven by the central government. However, we want peace on both sides of the border, and we maintain a cordial relationship with Bangladesh."
Banerjee further directed the state's Director General of Police, Rajeev Kumar, to investigate the locations where these infiltrators are staying after crossing into West Bengal. She announced her intention to send a formal letter to the central government expressing her concerns.
In her remarks, Banerjee also accused the BSF of attempting to frame the state government for the situation, saying, "The BSF is trying to blame the Trinamool Congress government for this. I will instruct the DGP to trace the whereabouts of these infiltrators after they enter the state."