Soon after his release from Tihar Jail, Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh addressed his party leaders and workers, tearing into BJP in a fiery speech.
From Prime Minister Narendra Modi to former BJP chief Bangaru Laxman, Singh came down hard on the saffron party.
"Modi says he will not spare any corrupt person. [Modi says] from east to west and from north to south, [he] will induct all corrupt into BJP," said Singh.
"So, I have coined a slogan for BJP - bigger the corrupt, higher the position [in BJP]," added Singh.
Singh further said that BJP is the only party, the president of which was caught red-handed taking bribe in India's defence deal. Singh was referring to former BJP chief Bangaru Laxman.
"That is why BJP's new name is Bangaru Janata Party," said Singh.
Right after walking out of prison, Singh, surrounded by party workers, said, "It was not a time to celebrate but struggle." After that, Singh paid a visit to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife. He touched Sunita Kejriwal's feet as he met her at her residence.
Singh walked out of jail a day after the Supreme Court granted him bail in the Delhi liquor policy case.