Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla has referred BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri abuse case to the privileges committee, party MP Nishikant Dubey informed on September 27. As per reports, complaint against Danish Ali has also been referred to the panel.
Expressing gratitude to the Speaker, Dubey wrote on X, "Gratitude to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha @ombirlakota, he entrusted the responsibility of investigation in the Danish Ali case to the committee of @LokSabhaSectt. Today this was possible because the BJP has majority in the Lok Sabha, otherwise in the first Lok Sabha in 2006, RJD-JDU- Congress' shoe and mike fight, Sonia Gandhi's assault in 2012, fatal fight at the time of the formation of Telangana in 2014 and MP seen injured, neither committee formed nor punished.
Ramesh Bidhuri, BJP MP from South Delhi shouted and abused BSP MP Danish Ali in the house. Bidhuri hurled anti-Muslim slurs at Ali during house proceedings stoking massive controversy.
Nishikant Dubey, on the other hand, alleged provocation by Danish Ali and urged the Speaker to probe Ali's conduct.
Notably, the Opposition has been building pressure on Speaker Birla amid calls for a probe by the privileges committee against Ramesh Bidhuri for his unparliamentary language.