Workers from various major ports of India have refused to handle military cargo that is coming from or going to Israel.
The Water Transport Workers Federation of India, which represents more than 3,500 workers at 11 major ports in the country, said that will not load or unload weaponised cargo from Israel or bound for Israel.
A statement issued by them on February 14 states they have 'decided to refuse to load or unload weaponized cargoes from Israel or any other country which could handle military equipments and its allied cargo for war in Palestine.
The statement mentions the war in Gaza and says that trade unions always stand against war.
'We port workers, part of labour unions would always stand against the war and killing innocent people like women and children. The recent attack of Israel on Gaza plunging thousands of Palestinians into immense suffering and loss. Women and children have been blown to pieces in the war. Parents were unable to recognise their children killed in bombings which were exploding everywhere,' the statement further read.
The port workers union has refused to handle any kind of weaponised cargo.
'Therefore, We, the Indian port & dock Workers from various major ports active in the ground of cargo handling sector, call on our members to no longer handle any ships which carry military material to Palestine/Israel,' it said.
The union also raised the cause of a free Palestine.