Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray on Sunday rued the political environment in Maharashtra after NCP's Ajit Pawar and 8 other MLAs joined the Eknath Shinde-led government in Maharashtra.
Raj Thackeray said Ajit Pawar's move was the first act of a process to "discard the burden of Uddhav Thackeray".
He said: "The first team from the NCP camp has left to join hands with power. The remaining team will join in soon."
The fiery Maharashtra leader said: "The Maharashtra BJP was not liking the unnecessary importance being given to Eknath Shinde and they have now found a counter to him. What this has highlighted is the muddied political environment in Maharashtra. I feel heartbroken to see the political state of Maharashtra which has provided direction to the country."