Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin paid tribute to former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, highlighting his pivotal role in shaping India's economic policies and granting Tamil classical language status. Speaking at a memorial organized by the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC), Stalin praised Singh for laying the foundation for India's growth through his economic reforms and welfare schemes during his tenure as Finance Minister and later as Prime Minister.
Stalin recalled the circumstances of Singh’s rise to the Prime Minister's office in 2004, noting that despite being urged by leaders like M. Karunanidhi and Sonia Gandhi to take the role, Gandhi magnanimously chose Singh. Singh's decade-long tenure saw numerous schemes benefiting the public and cemented his place in history, Stalin added. Singh passed away on December 26, 2024, due to age-related ailments.
The event also honored former Union Minister and Congress leader E.V.K.S. Elangovan, who passed away on December 14, 2024. Stalin unveiled portraits of both Singh and Elangovan, describing Elangovan as a pillar of the TNCC. The gathering observed a two-minute silence in their memory, attended by TNCC chief K. Selvaperunthagai and leaders from DMK allies. Stalin expressed personal sorrow over the loss of the two leaders, calling it a significant blow to both the party and himself.