Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, along with his Cabinet Ministers D Sridhar Babu, Uttam Kumar Reddy, and others, recently met with Microsoft President Satya Nadella in Hyderabad.
Microsoft, one of the early technology companies to establish a presence in Hyderabad, has significantly expanded over the years, now employing 10,000 people. The company has also invested in a data center with a capacity of 600 MW in the state.
During the meeting, Chief Minister Reddy expressed his gratitude to Nadella for Microsoft’s consistent investments and its expanding business operations in Hyderabad and Telangana. The Chief Minister, along with the state’s IT Minister, discussed the state’s focus on emerging technologies like AI, Gen AI, and cloud computing, and sought Microsoft’s support in building a robust ecosystem. The goal is to establish Hyderabad as a global leader in the technology sector.
Reddy also outlined plans for infrastructure development in the state, which include the Regional Ring Road, radial roads, the Future City initiative, and the creation of new manufacturing clusters. Furthermore, he emphasized the government’s efforts to create a skilled workforce through institutions like Young India Skills University.
In response, Satya Nadella reaffirmed Microsoft’s commitment to collaborating with the Telangana government on all its initiatives. He commended the Chief Minister’s vision for enhancing skills and improving infrastructure, stating that these two factors are key to positioning Hyderabad among the top 50 cities globally for fostering economic growth.