Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday flagged off 75 electric vehicles in Ayodhya, a week ahead of 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony of the Ram temple.
Adityanath also launched the official website of Ayodhya Police and a Digital Tourist App, the UP government said in a statement.
The e-vehicles flagged off by the chief minister include 50 buses and 25 auto-rickshaws.
Addressing the people on the occasion, Adityanath said the Ayodhya Municipal Corporation and Ayodhya city have created e-services in order to provide the best facilities of public transport to the devotees coming before the 'Pran Pratishtha' (consecration) programme in Ayodhya Dham to be held on January 22.
The chief minister said January 22 is a date to honour India's faith and belief and is also a sacred date to restore India's self-respect and honour.