Nainital police on Friday released a statement, requesting people to refrain from donating to NGOs that support rioters and spread rumours on social media. They also accused a Hyderabad-based NGO of inciting violence in the state.
This has come after a video went viral in which a man, believed to be part of Hyderabad Youth Courage NGO, was seen distributing lakhs of rupees in cash.
The police have accused the Hyderabad-based NGO of soliciting donations to fund the recent violence in Banbhoolpura area. A massive violence erupted after the civic authorities razed down a madrassa and a mosque allegedly built illegally on government-owned land.
"A video is being circulated on social media in which a young man is distributing money among the people in the Banbhoolpura area. Police is investigating in this regard. Information related to NGO's account number, registration number, and PAN number has also been given to the Income Tax Department and other agencies, by which necessary action is being taken. Those donating to Hyderabad Youth Courage NGO are also being identified," the statement read.
Uttarakhand police said that action is being taken to seize the account and registration number of the Hyderabad Youth Courage NGO. The statement further read, "Action will be taken against those who take money illegally, support the rioters, distort facts, and post misleading facts on social media. Therefore, everyone is requested not to donate in any way to such NGOs."
On Wednesday, the police arrested six people in connection with the Haldwani violence that broke out on February 8. So far, 74 people have been arrested.
Also watch: Alleged mastermind of Haldwani violence arrested from Delhi: reports